Below are two sets of actual SPM past year exam papers. I have categorized the questions according to its type. In the previous post, I have stated all the five types.
You need to learn how to write at least three types. It will give you a wider choice to choose the suitable title to write. For those who are weak in English, I would recommend you choose (e). The "One Word" title gives you a more flexible style to choose from. You can write it as a descrptive, narrative or factual essay.
a.Describe an embarrassing experience in your life.[Descriptive]b.‘Teenagers today are only interested in entertainment.’ Do you agree? [Arguementative]
c. My early years. [Reflective]
d. Write a story beginning with: [Narrative]
"Kim was nervous when the door opened"
e. Tomorrow. [One Word]"Kim was nervous when the door opened"
a. Write about a person who has worked hard to succeed in life. [Descriptive]
b Examinations – good or bad? [Arguementative]
c. My perfect future husband or wife. [Reflective]
d Write a story ending with: [Narrative]
“Now I realise the value of a true friend.”
e. Stars [One Word]
b Examinations – good or bad? [Arguementative]
c. My perfect future husband or wife. [Reflective]
d Write a story ending with: [Narrative]
“Now I realise the value of a true friend.”
e. Stars [One Word]
Can you change your font color ?
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