2009 : Many of your schoolmates are not interested in sports. You have carried out a survey on the reasons for their lack of interest. Based on your findings, write a report to the Principal regarding the matter. In your report, give reasons for the lack of interest in sports and provide suggestions to overcome.

[ Start your report ]
To          : The Principal, SMK Syed Abu Bakar,Kedah
Subject : School students not interested in sports
Date      : (date)

[ Introduction ]
State about your survey.
When it was carried out.
The target audience [ School mates ]
What did you find. [ 30-40 words ]

[ Body 1 ]
Main Idea - The reason for the lack of interest
Supporting Details(1) - Why - Reasons / Factors
Supporting Details(2) - Why
Supporting Details(3) - How-Suggestion [ 30-50 words ]

[ Body 2 ]
Main Idea - The reason for the lack of interest
Supporting Details(1) - Why - Reasons / Factors
Supporting Details(2) - Why
Supporting Details(3) - How-Suggestion [ 30 -50 words ]

[ Body 3 ]
Main Idea - The reason for the lack of interest
Supporting Details(1) - Why - Reasons / Factors
Supproting Details(2) - Why
Supporting Details(3) - How-Suggestion [ 30-50 words ]

[ Closing ]
What do you expect
What is your hope for the students and school [ 30-40 words ]

[ End your report ]
Prepared By,

[ Signature ]
Title (if any)
SMK Syed Abu Bakar


In this post, I have posted some [sample  conclusions ] . Below are the  examples :-

Actual SPM examination question - Descriptive
2008  :  Write about a person who has worked hard to succeed in life.
Sample :
   In a nut shell, Mr.Adam cherished the saying 'No pain,no gain.' He always believed a man must be willing to endure hardship in order to enjoy success in life. Today, after 30 years of hardship he is the owner of a famous shopping comples in Penang. Mr.Adam is none other than my dear loving father.

Actual SPM examination question - Opinion / Arguementative

2009  : School children should nothave long holidays. Do you agree?

Sample :
In conclusion, school children definitely need long holidays. Long holidays will help them to unwind and relax from all the stress of school life.Long holidays will help rejuvenate their stressed out mind and be more receptive to studies when school reopens.

Actual SPM examination question - One Word
2009  : Beauty
Sample :

         Finally,beauty is an abstract matter which can’t be quantified by any measurement. How a person perceives beauty can differ from one person to the other. As the saying goes “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

* Remember, above are only simple sample conclusions to help those who are weak in English to get a rough idea on how to write a simple conclusion for their essay.


SPM Question 2007

Talk : You have been asked by your teacher to give a talk on a reference book that is useful for secondary students. You have decided to give a talk about a science book.

[ Introduction / Salutation ]

Good morning to the principal, teachers, and fellow students. I am honoured to stand here to give a speech / talk. My speech / talk  is entitled the usefulness of a reference book for secondary students. [ 30-40 words ]

[ Body 1 ]

Main Idea – What type of reference book you have choosen. [ Use Suitable Transitions]

Supporting Details(1)-What/Which [ Title Of The] Science Book

Supporting Details(2)-Why you choose this [ particular ] book

Closing Paragraph – Summarize your point. [ 40-50 words]

[ Body 2 ]

Main Idea – How it can be useful for secondary students.  [ Use Suitable Transitions]

Supporting Details(1)-Benefit 1- What/Why/How

Supporting Details(2)-Benefit 2 – What/Why/How

Closing Paragraph – Summarize your point. [ 40-50 words]

[ Body 3 ]

Main Idea – How it can be used for reference.  [ Use Suitable Transitions]

Supporting Details(1)-Benefit 1- What/Why/How

Supporting Details(2)-Benefit 2 – What/Why/How

Closing Paragraph – Summarize your point. [ 40-50 words]

[ Closing / Conclusion ] – sample conclusions.

1. let me conclude my speech / talk with - [ a/an proverb/idiom/quote]

2.In conclusion - [ give an advice / hope ]

3. I will end my speech / talk by reinstating that - [ summary of your points ]
End it with - Thank you. [ 30-40 words ]

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