2009 : Many of your schoolmates are not interested in sports. You have carried out a survey on the reasons for their lack of interest. Based on your findings, write a report to the Principal regarding the matter. In your report, give reasons for the lack of interest in sports and provide suggestions to overcome.
[ Start your report ]
To : The Principal, SMK Syed Abu Bakar,Kedah
Subject : School students not interested in sports
Date : (date)
[ Introduction ]
State about your survey.
When it was carried out.
The target audience [ School mates ]
What did you find. [ 30-40 words ]
[ Body 1 ]
Main Idea - The reason for the lack of interest
Supporting Details(1) - Why - Reasons / Factors
Supporting Details(2) - Why
Supporting Details(3) - How-Suggestion [ 30-50 words ]
[ Body 2 ]
Main Idea - The reason for the lack of interest
Supporting Details(1) - Why - Reasons / Factors
Supporting Details(2) - Why
Supporting Details(3) - How-Suggestion [ 30 -50 words ]
[ Body 3 ]
Main Idea - The reason for the lack of interest
Supporting Details(1) - Why - Reasons / Factors
Supproting Details(2) - Why
Supporting Details(3) - How-Suggestion [ 30-50 words ]
[ Closing ]
What do you expect
What is your hope for the students and school [ 30-40 words ]
[ End your report ]
Prepared By,
[ Start your report ]
To : The Principal, SMK Syed Abu Bakar,Kedah
Subject : School students not interested in sports
Date : (date)
[ Introduction ]
State about your survey.
When it was carried out.
The target audience [ School mates ]
What did you find. [ 30-40 words ]
[ Body 1 ]
Main Idea - The reason for the lack of interest
Supporting Details(1) - Why - Reasons / Factors
Supporting Details(2) - Why
Supporting Details(3) - How-Suggestion [ 30-50 words ]
[ Body 2 ]
Main Idea - The reason for the lack of interest
Supporting Details(1) - Why - Reasons / Factors
Supporting Details(2) - Why
Supporting Details(3) - How-Suggestion [ 30 -50 words ]
[ Body 3 ]
Main Idea - The reason for the lack of interest
Supporting Details(1) - Why - Reasons / Factors
Supproting Details(2) - Why
Supporting Details(3) - How-Suggestion [ 30-50 words ]
[ Closing ]
What do you expect
What is your hope for the students and school [ 30-40 words ]
[ End your report ]
Prepared By,